The Creative Camino and Launch Event at St. Edan’s Cathedral, Ferns on Sunday, May 1st at 7.30pm. The concert will feature the music and song of Turlough O’Carolan performed by The Allabair Trio with special appearance by The Cordon Blues. The concert will start at 7.30pm followed by The Creative Camino Launch Event at 9pm

Entry to the concert is FREE, but pre booking is required. Seating is limited, so BOOK EARLY. Creative Camino Launch Event is FREE and requires no booking. You can find more information and register for tickets here.
Fringe Events:
- Connection Over the Sea: A look at the connection points of cultural history of Wales and Brittany, with a stop in Ireland presented by Brewen Favrauat St. Mogue’s Cottage, Ferns, April 30th 2022 at 7.00pm. Follow this link for more information
- Ui Cinnsealaigh History of Ferns guided tours and talks – April 30th and May 1st various locations and times. See full programme below.
- Artist’s Talk: Internationally renowned Welsh artist Bedwyr Williams, ‘Do the Little Things’ and presentation of Ferns Public Art at Scoil Naeomh Maodhog National School, Ferns, May 1st 2022 at 6.00pm to 7pm
See full details of all fringe events on p2 below.