We are encouraging all locals to join in the fun by dressing in medieval costumes. See below for basic tunic patterns. The costumes can be worn at the Launch Parade on Friday, June 7th and at any time over the weekend.
Thanks to seamstress Adrienne Murphy, Joan, Mary Bolger, Margaret Maguire & Denise for helping us make medieval tunics. It was a great session and really enjoyable – we actually got some work done – in between a lot of talking and laughing of course.
If you would like information about making a basic tunic you can email [email protected]
Medieval Costume Patterns
The following are basic patterns for creating your own basic medieval costume. Any combination of these patterns is good.

Basic Round Neck Tunic

Basic V Neck Tunic

High Status Costume Male/Female
Suggestions for wearing an authentic Gaelic Tunic…
a) Material used is a rough woven cotton, linen or wool in plain dark colours
b) Belted at the waist
c) Warriors costume worn to the knee
d) Female and male costume can be identical and worn to mid calf
e) Sleeves can be narrow to the body and wide at the wrist
f) From the calf to foot – no leg covering was worn
g) Shoes – flat sandals, flat plain shoes