The foundation stone of this new Church of St. Aidan was laid on the Feast of St. Aidan, 31st January 1974. A plaque listing the names of of parish priests, from 1644, is on the wall to the right of the altar. Four parish priests named Doyle indicate the influence of the original Danish invaders on the population of Co. Wexford, while the presence of the Norman names such as Lambert and Rossiter also reflects that County Wexford was subject to a number of invasions.
Ferns Parish Office, Ferns: Y21 X5W9
St Aidan’s Church, Ferns: Y21 X5W9
St Columba’s Church, Ballyduff: Y21 FD73
St Bridget’s Church Clologue: Y21 CD96
St. Aidan’s Parish Church
Please note the following is a listing of normal mass times, however these have been suspended until further notice due to COVID-19 restrictions. For the period of the restrictions, mass will be live streamed from St. Aidan’s church – it is available to watch on the Ferns church YouTube channel or on FernsVillage Facebook page.
Weekend Mass times:
Vigil mass, Saturday 6.30pm Sunday: 8.30am and 11:00am
Weekday mass times:
Monday to Saturday 9.30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament daily from 8:00am – 10:00pm (www.fernsadoration.com)
Sacramental confession is available if you make contact with the priest beforehand.
**Two metre distancing will be observed at all times.**
St. Columba’s Church, Ballyduff:
Weekend Mass Times: Vigil mass, Saturday 7.30pm & Sunday 9.30am
St. Bridget’s Church, Clologue:
Weekend Mass Time: Sunday 10.15am Weekday, Tuesday 9.30am
Reconciliation Services: Lent and Advent
Baptism: By appointment Marriage: At least three months notice must be given
Contact information:
Fr. Paddy Cushen P.P. Tel 053 936 6152 / Mobile: 087 238 7559 Email: [email protected]
Rev Richard Redmond C.C. Tel: 053 936 6162 / Mobile: 087 281 7122 Email: [email protected]
Parish Office: Tel: 053 936 6514 Email: [email protected]
Ferns St. Vincent de Paul: 086 721 9303
Safeguarding Officers:
Ferns: Denis Kinsella 087 246 5720, Bernidina Roche 086 078 6100
Ballyduff: Alan Byrne 086 813 5149
Clologue: Mary Skelton 087 698 4703